Divine Mercy Shrine
Sanktuarium Miłosierdzia Bożego w Keysborough
337-343 Greens Rd,
VIC 3173
The pastoral care over the community of the Divine Mercy Shrine is provided by priests of the Society of Christ for Poles Living Abroad. Our mission is the ethnic chaplaincy of the Polish diaspora in Melbourne. At the same time, we undertake the mission of promoting and spreading the worship and good news of God’s Mercy, which begins with the apparitions of Jesus to Saint Sister Faustina.
Rector: Fr Kamil J. Zylczynski SChr
Assistant priests: Fr Przemyslaw Sygula SChr
The ministry of our community is carried out with the support of Missionary Sisters of Christ the King for Polish Emigrants. The main task of the Congregation is to serve Polish communities according to the motto: “Everything for God and for Polish Emigrants”.
Sisters: Sr Elzbieta Cieslarczyk MChR, Sr Marietta Marc MChR
Posługę Rektora wspiera Komitet Sanktuarium Miłosierdzia Bożego:
By fulfilling its mission in the Catholic Church, the Society of Christ for Poles Living Abroad takes part in the apostolate of caring for the souls of Polish people who live outside the borders of Poland. Spirituality of the Society of Christ Fathers, which follows from monastic and priestly life, is based on the charism of its founder – Servant of God Cardinal August Hlond – as well as the Society’s mission. It also rises out of subsequent traditions that have been built by the Society, especially under the leadership of its first superior general and co-founder – Servant of God Rev. Ignacy Posadzy. The broadly defined concern for Polish emigrants is not confined to performing pastoral duties only. In foreign provinces, apart from the pastoral work, great importance is also attached to the cultivation of the patriotic spirit, social life and the Polish culture.
The Missionary Sisters of Christ the King for Polish Emigrants join in the great mission of the Church to lead people to Christ. Our particular task is to help Polish people living abroad to remain faithful to God and to virtuous Polish traditions. Our mission draws us to participate in the faithful’s lives in Europe, North and South America and in Australia. We serve Polish people of all ages: we take care of the elderly and the lonely; we teach religion to children and arrange many various activities for the young similar to those organized in parishes in Poland; we help families divided by emigration, both abroad and in Poland. In general, our place of work includes parishes, parish offices, nursing homes, schools, kindergartens, etc. It is not possible to reach out to all of about 20 million Polish emigrants personally, however, our prayer does.
Commitment Statement:
Divine Mercy Shrine in Keysborough is committed to providing safe and secure environments for its children and adults and its leaders, employees and volunteers. Safeguarding strategies are guided by the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards, are subject to independent audit and feedback is welcome for continual improvement.